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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Great Giveaway over at Rythm of the Home

Please check out the most wonderful magazine...Rythm of the Home's Winter edition. They are having a fantastic giveaway too!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Giveaway over at Cottage Garden Studios!

Great Giveaway over at Cottage Garden Studios! Go over and check it out.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Great Giveaway At Golden Sun Family!!!

In the spirit of blog giveaways.....there is a very yummy giveaway over at Golden Sun Family!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Great Giveaway at Garden Mama!

Hi Everyone,
There's a fantastic and adorable giveaway over at GardenMama! Please check it out! The sweetest wooden toys you will ever see! Thanks Maria

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Healing with a Family Rhythm

So a lot has gone on since my first post, Peeling Away the Layers. Sorry, very busy establishing our rhythm. I was not able to post for a while! I quickly realized that my daughter who was in Preschool needed some de-schooling. As a family we needed a rhythm before we could start homeschooling. As a family we needed to decompress because of how hectic our therapy and schooling schedule was.

As soon as we decided to remove our daughter from preschool, we noticed that many "sensory integration dysfunctions" suddenly disappeared. This happened within three days! Then we noticed significant improvement in speech. Following that, my daughter's occupational therapist has now said that she no longer needs occupational therapy for sensory integration or fine motor! We are delighted! But this lead me to ask the question, "What happened this month???"

Then we realized, (I also had suspected this) our family didn't have a rhythm that was calming and nurturing to our souls. We were booked solid, running here and there, doing what we were told by well meaning people such as doctors, therapists, and teachers. Everyday was different as far as schedules and we were lucky to fit in anything fun!

Well now that we have de-schooled and have an established a family rhythm, we are seeing the healing effects begin and in such a short time period! We are so thankful to have found the Waldorf method because it has provided us a healing and nurturing foundation. Waldorf also speaks to our hearts. It just resinates with us as a family and we especially see this in our children. Even my son who is two and a half has changed significantly. Again, his language and speech has improved and he is very calm.

I would like to thank all who have inspired me with your wonderful blogs and supported this life changing experience. We are so thankful to all the connections we have made through this blog.

All we could say is Waldorf Homeschooling and Rhythms bring peace to our family. Has anyone else noticed this significant healing after beginning to homeschool? Please leave me comment to let me know about your experience. Thanks! Maria

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Acorn Pies: New Dolls

Beth over at Acorn Pies just finished a custom order of the most adorable dolls for my children. Please go over and see. She makes the most beautiful dolls and really captures personality in the dolls. Love them!

Acorn Pies: New Dolls

Great Giveaway at Heidi Bears!

There's a yummy giveaway at Heidi Bears! The blog is great and love the photos!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Peeling Away the Layers....

"I just want us to live in peace!" This is what I would say to my husband almost every day until I realized well why can't we??? We are the creators of our life and living joyfully and peacefully is our wish. We are taking back our power.

As I realized that we can create the life we want for our family. I also realized that we were so intertwined with everyday mainstream life. The biggest change right now is homeschooling our children. We have a five year old girl and a two year old boy. Both children have mild hearing losses and speech difficulties. However, I always knew I wanted to homeschool my children, regardless. I was a public school special education teacher as well as a learning consultant. I left my job, to be with my babies and it was the best decision I ever made.

We decided to allow our children to work with therapists since they were born. We thought we were making the right decision getting early intervention, but its never ending. I know that the therapists mean well, but it took over our lives. I would have to argue with therapists to give us a break so my children can have time to play or even rest when they were feeling sick. I just kept thinking, what's wrong with this picture?? My children have no playing time! They never had time to play with friends. I felt like my 5 year old baby was burning out with all this therapy. I felt like I was burning out doing nothing but therapy.

Then I just woke up one morning and said,"I can't do this anymore!" I'm tired of listening to everyone else telling me what's best for my children. I told my husband we have to change the way we live now. We are taking back our power. This is our family, our beautiful, sweet children, and I want all of us to be happy.

This is where we are now. Peeling away the layers, trying to detangle our lives from the mainstream ways of life. We are reducing significantly therapies, which at this point I feel like I could be an occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech therapist, and teacher of the deaf. I have learned so much from all the therapists and I am greatful for them for teaching me. But now I must stop this. I cannot live this lifestyle anymore. So we have just begun to homeschool and I would love to document our family's journey to a simple life as well as our homeschool journey.

Has anyone else ever felt like this or experienced this in their lives?